18 de outubro de 2023 Cristiano Silva

Cyber Security Best Practices

transparency of business processes

Cyber security best practices for companies are vital for companies who want to secure their data against cyber attacks and threats. Cyber security measures can make a huge differences, from protecting sensitive data to ensuring that employees are aware of how to handle the threat of phishing emails, as well as other threats.

The modern organizational perimeters extend far beyond firewalls and DMZs It is crucial to implement best practices in cybersecurity in place for remote work, IoT devices, and other factors which increase the threat. This includes the implementation of strong password policies, employing multi-factor authentication and regularly updating software to address any new vulnerabilities.

It’s also important to keep in mind that a single click on an infected link or file could spread malware across the network of an organization. That’s why it’s also vital to implement security awareness training for employees and ensure that storage devices such as USB sticks are regularly scanned for malware prior to when they’re connected to the company’s systems.

Data can also be secured by appropriately categorizing and labeling it, to ensure that only people who have special access rights get access to it. Tools like Netwrix Data Classification automate this process and make it simpler for businesses to manage their data while minimizing the risk of unauthorized disclosure or loss. With safeguards in place, executives can be assured that their organizations are well-protected from the potential impact of a cyberattack. Interested in learning more? Begin your career with our Cybersecurity Analyst Professional certificate and become a professional within six months.

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