14 de janeiro de 2024 Cristiano Silva

Legally Funny: What Can You Do When You Turn 20?

Hey everyone! So, you’re turning the big 2-0 soon, huh? That’s awesome! 🎉 But have you ever wondered what you can actually do when you turn 20 legally? Let’s break it down and have some fun with it!

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But first, what about making a citizen’s arrest? Is that actually a thing? Well, it turns out it is! You can legally make a citizen’s arrest under certain circumstances. Just remember to follow the rules, folks!

When it comes to getting older, there are a lot of legal loopholes to navigate. But hey, it’s all part of the adventure, right?

And as for the gold you’ve been keeping hidden under your bed… Is there actually tax on gold in Canada? Well, you might want to check that out. Wouldn’t want any surprises, right?

So, there you have it, my friends! A fun little dive into the legal world. Just remember, with great power comes great responsibility… and possibly a few legal headaches! 😉

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